At Home with the Ceass Family, Atlanta Documentary Family Photographer

The routines of a toddler

During this session, just by following this family around, I learned so much about Eli and the way he goes about his days. So much of a toddler's day is scheduled around routines, and I loved watching Eli as he confidently moved through his day, doing the things that he does every day, the things that define his days. As we walked to the playground, Eli got a stick, just like he always does. On the tennis courts, he moved through his round of toys and stopped by a lonely puddle before heading to the slide and swings. Up and down and back and forth until it was time to throw a rock and some pine straw in the stream. The routines kept coming when we got back home in forms of snacks and Elmo and throwing away trash and feeding the dog and cat and continued with games inside and outside and always another "one more time." Following parents as they follow their child's lead with responsiveness and connectedness is a privilege I do not take lightly.

When I photograph a family, I am always thinking about what the child will want to someday see of what their childhood was like. Of course I want to show them how absolutely loved they are, but I also want to be able to show them the games they played, the work they did, and the special routines that shaped their beginning understandings of family life.
