A Bat Mitzvah Celebration, Atlanta family photographer

A milestone to remember

A girl sits on a chair in the air during a hora

This Bat Mitzvah was incredible. To be completely honest, I had never been to a Bat Mitzvah before, and even though I did a fair amount of research before the event to know what to expect (and to not make an ass of myself), I was still completely blown away by the whole thing. Celebration and ceremony; it was amazing, and it was meaningful.

When I walked in, the space was decorated glamorously with purple and silver sparkles and butterflies, a perfect mixture of fun and elegance. From the start of the event to the finish, there wasn't a detail that hadn't been considered. Sushi and french fries, a chocolate fountain and candy. A dj and hula hoops. The foods and different activities reflected this important transition between childhood and adulthood. Of course the highlight of the night was the smart and confident girl we celebrated. I know this night will forever be an important memory in her life as it was made so special by her family and those who came out to celebrate with her.

SO what are the coming of age celebrations in your culture? What significant rites of passages are worth remembering? As a documentary family photographer, these are the sort of events I hope to always be invited to document. Not only because they are so very touching and fun to attend, but because they are significant to a child's formation of identity. These important events shape the understanding of their place in their family and in the world, and the images are there to remind them all along the way of how they are loved and supported and celebrated within their community.

A girl sits to have her portrait drawn
a boy gets his portrait drawn while a girl laughs off to the side
A girl reads a speech at her bat mitzvah
A man sits on a chair in the air during the hora
A woman and a girl dance and smile
A girl lights the menorah during her bat mitzvah with her grandparents beside her
A girl puts lipstick on a man
two boys sit at a table and talk
an older woman touches a baby's head
A girl hula hoops during a bat mitzvah as a boy looks on
boys hula hoop during a bat mitzvah
A boy wearing sunglasses and beads dances with others during a bat mitzvah
A boy with a yamaka dancing during a bat mitzvah